
Miss South Sudan Australia

ROLE: Writer, Director / PROJECT TYPE: Documentary / PROJECT STAGE: Completed 

Miss South Sudan Australia is a documentary about a group of young Sudanese in Australia attempting to deal with the social issues surrounding their community – by putting on a beauty pageant.

 The term beauty pageant conjures visions of coiffured 12 year olds vying for the first of many crowns. Take a cultural side step into new African communities in Australia and a different perspective is thrown on the whole notion of a beauty pageant.

The term beauty pageant conjures visions of coiffured 12 year olds vying for the first of many crowns. Take a cultural side step into new African communities in Australia and a different perspective is thrown on the whole notion of a beauty pageant.

 These young women are the first generation in their families to grapple with living between African & Western culture. They are taking from both, and creating a unique identity in a country that has no connection to their homeland. How they navi

These young women are the first generation in their families to grapple with living between African & Western culture. They are taking from both, and creating a unique identity in a country that has no connection to their homeland. How they navigate this is both fascinating and inspiring.


SCREENED: One World Film Festival, Adelaide International Film Festival, Dungog Film Festival, ABC TV, ABC on-line